Brandy Snaps

Brandy Snaps


50g unsalted butter

50g light brown sugar

50g golden syrup 

50g plain flour



1) Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4. Line two baking trays with baking parchment then oil a thickish handle of a wooden spoon and lay it on a cooling rack.

2) Next, place the butter, sugar and syrup into a, saucepan. After your ingredients are in the pan, heat slowly until the butter has melted and the sugar has dissolved. This will take about 15 minutes over a low heat. 

3) Leave the mixture to cool slightly, about 2-3 minutes, then sieve in the flour. Next, drop four teaspoonfuls of the mixture onto each of the prepared baking trays to make neat circles and leave space in between for them to spread and bubble.

4) Finally, bake in the pre-heated oven for about 10-15 minutes, or until the mixture is well spread out, looks lacey and is a dark golden colour.

5) Once baked, you need to work fast. The mixture needs to be just firm enough to remove, but pliable enough to shape. Quickly roll the warm brandy snaps around the handle of the wooden spoon, having the join underneath. Press the join lightly together to seal, then slide the brandy snap off the spoon and leave it to firm up on the wire rack, again with the join underneath.

6) If any of the circles on the sheet harden too much to work with, put them back in the oven for a few seconds to soften again. Repeat until all the mixture has been used.

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