Honey and Mustard Glazed Gammon
2kg joint of gammon
2 onions
3 carrots
1 celery stick
1 cinnamon stick
5 bay leaves
15 peppercorns
6tbsp Dijon mustard
6tbsp honey
1) Start by taking your joint of gammon (if your joint has butchers’ twine leave it on as it will hold your joint together. If not go ahead and add some twine to your joint to secure it) and placing it into a deep saucepan. Next, cut your carrots, onion and celery and spices into small chunks. Place them into the pan with the gammon and cover with cold water and then bring to the boil.
2) Once your water is boiling, cover the saucepan and drop to a simmer and allow the gammon joint and vegetables to simmer for around 1 hours and 30 minutes. Turn off the heat and allow the meat to cool with the water.
3) Once cool, remove from the water and remove any butchers’ twine the outer skin so you have the fat on top. Score the fat on top of the gammon in a criss-cross shape with a sharp knife and discard the skin.
4) Next preheat the oven to 200 C / gas mark 4 and put the gammon on a large roasting tray. Mix together your honey and mustard and brush half of the mixture over the gammon joint. Add your boiled carrots, celery and onions with the gammon and roast for 25 minutes, and then basting with the juices every 10 minutes after for a further 35 minutes.
5) Leave to rest for at least 15 minutes before cutting else your meat will just fall apart without the beautiful slices.